英语词汇掌握指南:详解 "lack" 用法与实例
英语中的 "lack" 是一个常用词,可以用作动词、名词,表示缺乏或不足。掌握 "lack" 的用法有助于提高英语表达的准确性和丰富性。本文将从不同角度,系统地归纳整理 "lack" 的用法。
当 "lack" 作为动词使用时,表示缺乏或不足。它可以和名词、动名词搭配使用。以下是一些例句和用法:
1. Lack + 名词
She lacks confidence.
The city lacks adequate public transportation.
2. Lack + 动名词
He lacks understanding the importance of teamwork.
They lack practicing their speaking skills.
当 "lack" 作为名词使用时,表示缺乏或不足的状态。以下是一些例句和用法:
1. Lack of + 名词
There is a lack of food in the region.
The project failed due to a lack of funding.
2. Lack of + 动名词
Lack of exercising can lead to health problems.
Lack of studying may result in poor academic performance.
Lack 的相关表达
除了以上用法,还有一些与 "lack" 相关的表达,如:
1. Be lacking in
He is lacking in experience.
The room is lacking in decoration.
2. Be short of / Be in short supply
We are short of time.
Medical supplies are in short supply.
了解 "lack" 的不同用法和相关表达,可以帮助我们更准确地表达缺乏或不足的情况。掌握这些用法,将有助于提高英语水平,增强语言表达能力。